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Stock code:688577
  • How to maintain CNC lathe?

    Friends in the machine tool and equipment industry all know that long-standing machines and equipmen......

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    Friends in the machine tool and equipment industry all know that long-standing machines and equipment are prone to various faults after long holidays. Such as fan short circuit alarm, machine tool oil leakage, machine tool circuit damage, data loss... These are the symptoms of "holiday syndrome" of machine tool equipment.In order to prevent your equipment from suffering from "holiday syndrome", the heideman after sales service department combines many years of experience and gives customers and friends several maintenance tips:


    I: Zero return
    Move each axis in the full stroke of the machine tool, fill the surface of the lead screw and guide rail with grease, and then stop the X /Z  axis at the zero position. The turret, magazine and the tailstock stop at the zero position.

    II. Main shaft cleaning
    Do not leave the tool handle in the spindle, and avoid residual cutting fluid on the conical surface of the spindle and tool handle. After the tool handle is removed, clean the conical surface of the main shaft. Apply antirust oil on the tool handle and spindle cone.

    III. Moisture proof and rust proof
    The surface of worktable and fixture will rust, so anti rust oil and grease shall be applied.

    IV: Battery confirmation
    Confirm whether the battery voltage of all machine tools is low. When it is started again after a long power failure, the machining program, machine parameters and zero points of each axis may be lost. Please replace the battery regularly. It shall be implemented 1 week before long-term shutdown to confirm that the battery is inserted correctly and in good contact.

    V. Data backup
    If you are worried about the loss of processing program, machine tool parameters and other data, please back up important information to the computer or USB flash disk.

    VI: Iron filings cleaning
    Clean the chips in the machining area of the machine.

    VII. Maintenance of cutting fluid
    Remove the iron filings and impurities in the cutting fluid, and add bactericidal preservatives to prevent the deterioration and failure of the cutting fluid.

    VIII. Cut off electricity and gas
    Cut off the external power supply of the machine tool, close the air valve and close the water source.


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